Monday, March 03, 2008

It's really not rocket science!

I did it. I finished my first sock. Here it is, in YarnHarlot (my link button is not working - grrrr. fashion, in the snow.
The whole sock:
Close-up of the heel:

Why do I compare knitting a sock to rocket science? I didn't really know what I was doing, so at the beginning it seemed to be really difficult. I knew how to knit and purl - that's it. I did not (still don't really) know how to read a knitting pattern. I have never finished a knitting project. I have a few scarves of various lengths in bags around the house, but I don't know how to cast off or bind off, so I can't finish them. I'm sure I could find directions on the Internet, but I'm really not interested in scarves - I'm interested in socks.

Two years ago (yes, I'm admitting that) I found directions online for knitting socks. Directions - not a pattern. (They can be found here, if anyone is interested.) So two years ago, I cast on this sock, ripped it out, cast on, ripped it out, cast get the idea. I couldn't get the hang of stitching with 4 DPNs. Finally I got it and completed about an inch of ribbing. It wasn't fun, so I put it away.

A few weeks ago, my mom and I visited a yarn shop. A real yarn shop. And I fell in love with the possibilities and all the sock yarn. But, I hadn't completed a sock yet, so I told myself I would not buy sock yarn until I was sure I could knit a sock. I finished this sock in 3 days. Technically 2 years and 3 days, but who's counting?

I'm very proud of this sock. It's not perfect and sadly it doesn't fit anyone's foot at my house, but it's a sock. This is my first attempt and I was aiming for something that was sock-like. My results are better than sock-like - this really is a sock that could be worn by a small person. I've amazed myself.

Yes, this sock will stay singular, because of the size issue. I'm thinking of hanging it on my wall though, as a reminder to take chances and expect the best.


Bre said...

It looks perfect to me! Great job!!!

Angela said...


It's wonderful! My first knitting project was a lousy scarf for Matt (which he will NOT wear!), and my second was a sock project. You really have to go and get some great sock yarn and seriously make socks for yourself. Just do it. I can help (albeit long distance!)

Go for it!

Velda said...

way to go!!!!!! My friend makes gorgeous socks but I'm still at the scarf stage lol

Vicki said...

What a beautiful sock! I'd love to be able to knit them...I can do scarves, sweaters, and blankets but have yet to attempt a sock.

Anonymous said...

I can NOT knit for the life of me! You did awesome! Ask Lara about all that stuff. She's our own resident sock knitting pro! Go you for knitting a sock! WOOHOO!