Sunday, July 27, 2008

Weekend Laziness

I spent this weekend doing next to nothing because I've done something to my back. I had grand plans of finishing the painting in Cheese's room, but it wasn't to be. I have been stitching an ornament for an exchange on one of the message boards. It's not finished yet and I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing. My pal is such a talented stitcher and I afraid my stitching pales in comparison to hers. I gave it my best shot though and stitched this piece from JCS Ornament preview magazine. It is CCN's Silver and Blue, although mine is gold and blue over one on 28 count linen. I will finish it into a little pillow with complimentary blue fabric on the back. I'll post more photos when it is finished - this is just a quick snap with the wrong lens on the camera.

Cheese is away at Boy Scout camp until Friday, so I'm adding cat pictures for fill. :-) The first one is Star, Shadow's mom, lounging on the running board of my car. She was born under our porch last May and she isn't too tame. She will let us pet her and feed her of course. We did capture her and had her spayed at the vet. Now she's one of our outdoor cats and keeps the mice away. The second is Shadow, of course. Isn't he getting big?


Velda said...

oh gosh your kitties are sooooooooooooooooooo cute!

Kristin said...

The ornie is going to be lovely and the kitties are adorable.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love Shadow! He's adorable! Gorgeous ornament!