Thursday, August 28, 2008

Slowing Down

Work is so crazy right now. I'm waiting for other people to finish their jobs before I can do mine and it's stressful. Unfortunately I'll have to put in some hours this weekend since school starts Tuesday.
But this evening, it's cold and it's rainy. Cheese is with his dad and Bill is at football practice. The cats and I have the house to ourselves. They are napping - I'm doing a little of this

and this

I'll be back tomorrow. :-)


Kristin said...

Isn't the silence wonderful?

Margaret said...

Enjoy your peace.

Pumpkin said...

Ohhhh, that must be SO nice for you! I want to see more of that sampler though...;o)

Tammy said...

I love the way you're spending your day. I'm a wee bit jealous too.

I have some of that tea and it is delicious.