Monday, November 03, 2008

Time Flies

Oh my, here it is the beginning of November and I still haven't posted 1st day of school pictures. I've already removed them from my camera, so I'll have to post them another time - I'm too lazy to post from the desktop computer. :-)

There has been stitching - lots of it - but I can't show most of it. We do a 12 Days of Christmas Exchange over at CSC and I can't show my stitching until my pal opens her presents. Let me just say that I am thrilled with the things I've completed and I can't wait until my pal sees them.

I can show a picture of the ornament I made for the Christmas ornament exchange. It was my first time sewing in a shape other than square or rectangle. It is not equal on both sides, but I still think it looks ok. I hope my pal likes it. The pattern is from the 2008 JCS Ornament Issue and is by Sue Hillis.

For the first time, Cheese decided he wanted to go trick or treating with a group of friends without me. I was ok with that because it was a good group of kids. Here's a pic of him and one of the boys before they left the house. Cheese is the "Scream Reaper" - he actually had a pump that pumped fake blood through his mask. He loved it!

Last week Cheese's new bed was delivered. It's huge! It's a full sized captain's bed with a storage cabinet underneath that is removeable. He decided he wants to change bedrooms so for the past few weekends I've been stripping wallpaper and scraping paint off the trim. My brother is so kind to skim coat the walls for me to prep them for paint. Cheese chose a very dark green with a lighter shade for one of the walls. There's still quite a bit more work to do and I have to choose carpet and schedule it to be installed. I'm hoping to have everything complete and moved in before Thanksgiving. I'm going to tackle the upstairs hallway next.

Thanks for visiting and catching up with us!


Margaret said...

Howdy. Good to see you here. What a gorgeous ornament! I tend to be VERY reluctant to think outside the rectangle when it comes to ornaments!

Kristin said...

That is a gorgeous ornament!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your ornie looks awesome, Amanda! Fabulous job on the finishing! And boys will be boys huh? LOL

Meari said...

My coworker said she had about 5 kids with the Scream Reaper mask come to her house for Halloween. Must've been a popular costume!

You did a nice job on your Christmas ornie.